Contracting Services

What it is

Contractor Hires

Our Trusted Talent operate within 2 degrees of separation of our team, meaning they have either previously worked for us or have worked with the people we have worked with. This means we are in a unique position to provide you proven capability to deliver critical projects.

Why it’s great

Although the nature of contracting can sometimes be transactional, our relationship with our contracting talent never is. We cultivate an energised and engaged network that ensures a continual flow of talented people are at the ready, so that when needed, your business can find an agile staffing solution that reduces fixed costs and keeps your company running.

The Emmbr Process

Specialist consultant

A recruitment expert who is not only embedded in their trusted talent network, but also dedicated to finding you a lasting talent solution. 

Market strategy

A collaborative go to market plan that aims to engage the best talent and build your organisation’s brand in the job market.

Ongoing support

Insight and consultation through every step of the process. 


We aim to find you your ideal candidate and finalise onboarding within 20 working days.

Here's what
our clients think

Dan Roberts

Agile Transformation & Delivery Lead

“I was first engaged by Emmbr over 10 years ago when I was moving from the public sector to the world of contracting in the private sector. I was 25 at the time, moving from Brisbane to Melbourne and taking a massive step in my career and life. Emmbr guided me through this first step and ensured I got the support I needed in my first role as a contractor. For Emmbr it was more than just a role placement they truly cared for me as an individual.”

Nivedita Tomar

Cybersecurity Specialist

"It was an absolute pleasure working with Emmbr. I felt supported throughout the recruitment process, where I could ask any questions and receive unbiased advice. The technical experience and industry awareness they have was instrumental in helping me prepare for the perfect job opportunity. The values of trust, collaboration and passion were truly reflected in the entire experience."

Jon Meadows


“Emmbr take the time to understand the brief, understand the team and understand it’s not just about having the right skillset but also about having the right team fit. What I’ve always liked is that they understand what problem we’re trying to solve. You fine-tune the requirements that ultimately find us the right solution. Recruiters can be seen as service providers, but Emmbr is a business partner and trusted advisor.”

Eglantine Etiemble


“Emmbr is a truly human and customer centred organisation. They take the time to build a deep understanding of your business and strong connection, allowing them to provide relevant, tailor-made solutions and critical insights. Working with Emmbr in my 2 last roles, they are now a team I turn to for mission critical roles and thoroughly enjoy working with.”

Peta Sarlos

Head of People & Culture

“Having worked with the team at Emmbr for the past couple of years, they have partnered with us extremely well, helping us grow and find exceptional new talent for our growing business. They are always available to jump on a call, work through new role briefings, interview insights and process feedback. We’ve even had one of their Founders and CEO working on roles for us.”

Contact us to start building your dream team

Are you thinking of expanding your team? There’s no better time than now to explore our extensive offering of talent solutions.